
I’m Bliss, your personal AI gift shopper

I'll help you find the perfect gift for every occasion and person in your life

Ben's BitesNew York TimesProduct HuntSuperpower DailySAPO
AI Gift Assistant Chat
DreamGift uses a chatbot to ask you a series of questions about your gift recipient’s age, gender, interests and hobbies, along with how much you’re willing to spend, and automatically provides ideas and links to order the items online. My wife confessed that she liked some of the bot’s gift suggestions, which included an indoor herb-growing kit, more than some of the gifts I’d given her over the years. Ouch.
– Brian X. Chen, The New York Times

A gift for every occasion

I can help you find personalized gifts for over 40 types of events, such as birthdays, holidays, weddings, anniversaries, and housewarmings

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Ready to find that perfect gift?

Let's hop on a chat and I'll use my AI superpowers to help you find a personalized gift for that special person in your life.